Poetry, aphorisms, short stories, reviews, short essays and surveys
published in papers for the last 10 years:
New Word, Touches, Literary Weekly, Literary section of the Truth / Pulse, Slovak Perspectives, Romboid, Revue of Contemporary Culture, Dog Wine (Czech), WELES (Czech)
Poetry published in anthologies:
TOUCHES OF A WORD. Bratislava, Message 1996
RIGHT MOMENT. Bratislava, Publishing House of the Slovak Writers' Society and National Literary Centre 1998
POEMS 2012, POEMS 2013 (K. K. BAGALA and literarnyklub.sk)
Poetry published in the Slovak Broadcasting Company and other radios:
LITERARY SPECTRUM February 2001; April 2002; August 2003
morning tuning Radio Devín – March 2001
SUNDAY LYRE December 2002
LITERARY CAFÉ – ON AIR (Radio East)/April 2001
BOW – Other Side of the Sorrow/Program about sorrow in Slovak and world poetry (Radio Slovakia, 16/03/2004)
SUNDAY LYRE (from the collection of poems Man of a Cloudy Day) (Radio Slovakia/ Radio Devín, April 2004)
POEMS FROM A CUP WITH TWINING BOTTOM (Radio Devín: Contemporary Slovak Poetry. November 2013. Created by Ján Gavura)
Interviews for papers, Slovak Broadcasting Company and for Slovak Television (STV):
"LANGUAGE WHICH SMELLS OF HUMANITY" Touches 9-10/1999, pp.2-5
"WAITING IN FRONT OF THE HELL" Radio Regina – June 2001
WAVING Radio Regina – December 2003
morning tuning Radio Devín – December 2003
LITERARY SPECTRUM Radio Devín and Radio Regina – January 2004
METRO STV-NUMBER TWO – February 2004
Sometimes I go to the cemetery in order to calm myself. Book Revue 2007/11. Interview with R. Brenkus.
Hear only the own soul. Book Revue 2009/22. Interview with P. Bilý.